Friday, November 27, 2009


Imitation is an advanced behavior whereby an individual observes and replicates another's. The word can be applied in many contexts, ranging from animal training to international politics.

Why do we imitate?

To feel like we belong? To relate to another person? To learn?
Its the easiest thing to do. It does not involve thinking. It creates a connection. It is profound.

It has been associated with the development of language.

We all do it and despise when its done to us.

Its the sincerest form of flattery.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Everyone once in a while it feels good to remember those in our lives who really matter.

Those who have helped us along the way.
Those who are there for us when we don't even realize we need someone.
Those who are there guiding us, always.
Those who share our meaningless joys and lighten our darkest days.
Those to whom we are bound in blood and those to whom we are bound in spirit.
Those who show us what it means to be us.
Those who pull us back when we stray away.
Those for whom we do what we do.

Thank You.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

social networking....what it should be....

Content is the key to successful networking

- Content sharing is the basis for the popularity of P2P and Social Networking (sharing photos, videos, contacts, blogs, news, etc.)

- It helps to build meaningful networks based on mutual sharing of content

- Personalization of networking enables filtering of what is important to the user

- It simplifies the experience by reducing the redundant linkages

- It enables an “open network system” wherein the number of linkages are infinite yet manageable and relevant

- Developing links through content enables the user’s universe to become infinite

- It is no longer about linking to friends or friends of friends but rather linking to people through common interests and sharing mutually beneficial content

- Strength of the link is now a sum of the combination of the “amount of time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy (mutual confiding), and the reciprocal services which characterize the link”

- Weak contextual linking with people based on content also allows for reaching a wider audience for your ideas

So it’s no longer about the people who want to hear about what you ate for breakfast yesterday or how sick your pet is. It is networking based on “real” relationships.

The fact is that the vast majority of the relationships we believe that we have are just about people who didn’t want to “ignore” you invitation. They don’t want to offend you.

The reality is that they don’t want to hear about you.

They want to hear about themselves.

Not e-mail but rather “me-mail” as Seth Godin would say.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Milton Friedman wrote in the NYT Magazine of how businessmen who spoke of social responsibilities in a free market system reminded him of a Frenchman who discovered at the age of 70 that he could speak prose. He says that the social responsibility of business is to increase profits.

Fortunately, ambiguity is not reasonable when it comes to conducting business. There can only be a single purpose driving the increasingly capitalist-friendly world and being “in the black” is it. This not only increases the benefit for the owner but also increases the trickledown effect to the common man.

It is this very process of profit-seeking that has made the world more wealthy now than ever and accusing companies of being perfidious for being economically viable is simply not acceptable.

The fall of the great socialist regimes is just another reminder of Darwin’s adage “survival of the fittest”. These were regimes founded on the nineteenth century concepts of exploitation. So we should spare a thought for the economically backward. But the startling fact remains that the majority of the world is not. It’s a fanciful construct that leftists cling to seeing as how the reality is more optimistic.

Keeping the business of business as business does enough for society by generating growth and employment. So should this be enough or should the capitalists contribute more? If so, then where does the government fit in? Where do taxes go? Who implements social policy?

Governments need to do what they do best – represent the people. This includes all the strata from the princes to the paupers. Governments enforce laws, decide what good for society and ensure that businesses do not hide behind the facade of social consciousness while irreversibly harming society. They have to implement the policies through regulation and taxation, not the businesses. Friedman put it best when he said, “The business of the government is governance and the business of business will remain business”.

Corporate philanthropy also raises the issue of accountability – shareholders wealth being distributed by management. Do they follow their fiduciary duty or do they yield to the societal expectations? The short answer is an emphatic “Yes, follow your duty”. The long answer is much more complicated due to the nature of the question itself. Yes the company has a responsibility to society; just don’t do it with my money. The current financial scenario has made the question even more pertinent. Even traditionally philanthropic companies will have to review their policies and examine their fundamental strategies.

This snake and mongoose game between the businesses and the ethics brigade will continue till the fundamental difference between the business and individual is not understood. An individual can and should be socially responsible. Businesses however, should not. Their primary goal should and will always remain the pursuit of wealth creation. Businesses hold no duty towards society other than the welfare of its members, who are stakeholders in the business itself.

Governments should govern well. Businesses should run profitably.